The FAQ’s

The FAQ’s

Would you please provide an update on the proposed new marina as we being the 2025 season?
We are happy to report that the state has signed its contract with the Bureau. Also, we met with the state in Mid-December 2024 and will work on our contract over the next couple of months.   We want all the renters to know we continue to have a positive relationship with CPW and look forward to finishing our contract.  We have completed the Marina design end and hired a group of engineers to have all of our materials ready to pass on to CPW when our finished contract is completed.
Can you provide information for Moorage and Slips for the 2025 Season?

Answer: The total number of slips is about 528, give or take a couple.  Some slips have been modified to have wider docks and less water space, so they throw off the numbers slightly.

Slips are not being classified as seasonal or annual this year because none of them have power.   We have offered annual contracts to those who want to have their boats in the water before April 1.  All others have been given seasonal contracts.  This method makes sense for this season and probably until power is restored to the slips.

As of April 15, 2024 , we have all slips rented and jet ski docks rented.

We are also holding back about 15 slips for day/weekend boaters and have already received requests to rent those slips for some holiday weekends. Check with us on availability by calling: 719.547.3880 or

Will we see any positive changes when we return for the 2025 boating season?

Answer: Yes. Watch your text message alerts, emails and/or Facebook for the latest information.  We previously cleaned up the storage yard, purchased needed equipment, installed solar lights for security and addressed deferred maintenance, and added new items to the Marina Store.

Many capital reserve items will have to be addressed when the new marina is built and are not feasible to do in the short term and then need to be redone later. If you are disappointed about the circumstances surrounding the Marina, it is understandable. We completely understand, as we are boat owners with slips at the marina. We all are being inconvenienced.

Finally, let us assure you that we are working hard to provide Marina leadership and management. We are doing our best to get the Marina running as safely and quickly as possible.

Will we have any slips with electricity for the 2025 Season?

Answer: We do not foresee having any electrical slips as we begin 2025.  Many boaters have gone to solar as alternative until thenew docks are built.

When will the Gate code change during 2025?

Answer: The gate code is updated monthly.  If you are a registered slip renter you will receive notices monthly for the new code.  We ask that you do not share the code with non-slip renters please for security. 

What if we would like to change our boat slip for the 2025 season?

Answer: Slips for 2025 have been assigned.  However, if you would like to request a slip change, please email  We cannot guarantee any changes, but let us know in case a slip opens up.

Will the restaurant be open in 2025?

Answer: Yes!  You can check hours via our text alerts, email notices, or on Facebook. So hungry!

Is the Marina store open for 2025?

Answer:  Yes.  Check hours via text, email and/or on Facebook.  And, we have hired an experienced manager with retail experience! Wait until you meet her! We are so privileged to have her on the team.

Will there be water at the Marina during 2025?

Answer:  There will be water on the docks at the Marina as soon as the temperatures increase to turn the water to the docks back on safely.

Can you explain why some of us rent the same size slip but have different rental fees?

Answer:  Please use this link with our current rental rates.

It also has our qualifiers for what makes a slip rate what it is. Our slip rents are mainly based on boat size and whether they are seasonal or annual renters. However, some slips are not the standard size and are priced based on the size of the slip. This mainly applies to Super Single and Super Double Slips. Hopefully, this helps explain our approach to rates.

Again, email: for questions.

Any alternatives for power since we won’t have dock electricity?

Answer: We have noticed a number of boaters using solar to generate power. For example, on the 400 docks check out La Bella Vita. This houseboat, owned by Linda and Chuck Adams is now powered and off the grid thanks to solar energy.

“We are capable of running all of our low to moderate load appliances without a generator (that’s everything excluding air conditioner, electric water heater, and space heaters),” Chuck said. “We can now run everything as we did before, including television, microwave, and coffee maker. We stayed over a few weekends and ran everything as normal, without needing to run the generator. I have access to my boat cameras right now via the internet!”

Chuck is happy to offer recommendations that support five different scenarios:

  1. Solar power to keep the batteries charged, which does not include the capability to run any electric This option will keep the batteries charged while the boat is unattended.
  1. Solar electric power for occasional use on weekends, including short-term use of appliances such as coffee makers, microwaves, and televisions. This does not include the capability of leaving the electric power on full-time.
  1. Full-time electric power for one low powered appliance, typically Internet. This provides the ability to keep a desired low powered appliance on 24×7. This is the ideal solution for keeping internet access available so that cameras can continue to be accessed and monitored remotely.
  1. Full-time electric power for weekend use. This is the ability to turn the solar electric power on at the start of the weekend and turn the power off at the end of the weekend and allow the batteries to recharge during the week while the boat is not in use.
  1. Full-time uninterrupted solar electric power for all small and mid-sized appliances. This option allows electric power to be available to the boat full time, round the clock, including while the boat is not in use. This allows access to internet-connected appliances such as security cameras. This is the system we (Chuck and Linda) are building for our boat, which is presently at 600 watts of solar panels and will soon be expanded to 2400 watts of solar panels. Our (Chuck and Linda’s) system is currently functional and operational, but still needs additional panels installed to complete.


Also, Lee Batty, of Pikes Peak Traveland sells solar power units and batteries according to his December 9 post on the North Shore Marina Facebook Page. 719.900.4800.

As we move into the 2025 Season can you update us on any design decisions for the new marina?

Answer: We have a preliminary marina layout and are working with an engineering firm.  Again, we are moving as fast as we can.  As you might imagine building a new marina is a complex process. Still, we did have a group of us come together last season to pull some creative ideas for marina design and amenities, which the engineering firm  asked us for — “dreamy ideas concerning the perfect marina.” We will do our best to communicate on progress as we have new information to pass along.

By chance, do you happen to have the different widths of the slips for reference?

Answer: The typical width of most single slips is 10’, and typically double slips are 20’ wide. In the past, the docks have been modified in a few places where fingers are wider and encroach on the width of a slip, or there are some larger slips due to the way the docks were built. These odd-sized slips are not typical. We have attached the Rate sheet also for information.


Will the breakwater, which was being modified with tires in front of the marina, continue in 2025?

Answer: CPW would like us to stop using tires in our wave breaks and dispose of the tires we have in dry storage. We are actively looking for a place to dispose of the tires in dry storage, and when the wave breaks are replaced, we will need a place to dispose of quite a few more tires. Regarding expanding the wave breaks, we are reviewing safety, engineering, and cost options but at this time have no plans to expand the breakwater.

Is it possible for slip renters to receive text messages from Marina management?

Answer: Yes. It is one of the new amenities we are offering to slip renters. Please make sure we have your cell phone number.       We will include you in our messaging. Type STOP to opt out. The text message will come from 719-665-1050. You might not receive our texts due to several reasons:

  • Phone numbers can not receive messages
  • The recipient has blocked text messages
  • Lack of space on the phone to receive any more text messages
  • The message is dropped as the phone is moving or not close to a cell tower.

To add your cell phone number to our list please email:

Does the North Shore Marina have an Instagram account?

Answer: Yes. @nsmpubleo. It is entirely visual for some of you who might not be familiar with this social media platform. Photos. Videos. A marina is an ideal place to use this platform, don’t you think? Please like our account and share your photos and videos relating to marina activities only. Post only your best photos!

What is the status of the boatyard?

Answer: It is available. We have worked very hard to get the yard cleaned up and useful for storing boats, trailers, and jet skis from this point on.  More information  via  As you know from our fee chart, there is a charge for storage. 

Now that our account is on Dockwa for 2024. Can you provide us with answers to these questions?
  1. Will we get a monthly invoice via email from Dockwa, and if so, what date should it arrive?

Answer: Dockwa will send a reminder that payment is due on the first of the month.

  1. When we signed up with Dockwa, we only had one option for payment. May we stop that, and if so, what is the process?

Answer: We can change that setting from the management side. Please reach out to or message us through Dockwa to change that to manual pay. We can also change the payment method to allow other forms of payment besides credit cards.

  1. Can we mail a check, for example for slip rental instead of using Dockwa?

Answer: Yes. For those slip renters wanting to mail checks, please use this address: North Shore Marina, ATTN: Accounting, PO Box 1385, Colorado Springs, CO 80901


Is it possible during the 2025 Season to make slip #s visible from the water?

Answer: To this point, this has yet to be on our radar; however, we will consider it, as we can see the benefit of having the slip numbers visible from the water and the walkway.

When will after-hour security guards return for Season 2025?

Answer: No timetable has been set.  However, we have installed dock lighting and overhead lighting throughout the marina.

Do you have a map of the marina slips?

Answer: Use this link to access.


Does the North Shore Marina have a website for information?

Answer: Yes. So, please bookmark the URL and watch for updates.

Will I need a Colorado State Park pass to access the marina?

Answer: Yes. You can purchase a day pass; however, most seasonal and annual slip renters buy the year-long pass with unlimited access. It is our understanding that with a Colorado vehicle registration in 2025 for $29 you will be able to get the Colorado Wild Pass. Check out this site to find out which park pass is right for you. Click here:

Am I required by the state of Colorado to register my boat?

Answer: Yes. Any boat with a motor or sail operated in Colorado on any public waters must be registered with Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

  • Colorado residents are required to register their boats with Colorado Parks and Wildlife and must provide acceptable proof of ownership.
  • Non-residents: Vessels from other states may be operated in Colorado for up to 60 days with current registration from the owner’s state. Learn more here:
Can you offer portable generator safety tips?

Answer:  Portable generators on boats moored in the marina are not authrized.

The O’Neil Group (OGC) is the new vendor as of Winter 2022.  Founder Kevin O’Neil is a native of Southern Colorado. “I grew up boating and camping with my family. It was a wonderful experience, and I believe it helped shape who I am. Boating is a dedicated hobby and lifestyle that brings family and friends together.”

OGC is deploying a phased approach to marina operations by stabilizing the marina, prioritizing safety, and preserving the marina vessels over the winter months.  Currently, OGC is transitioning the marina to a state of safety, operational readiness, construction, and revitalization.

OGC plans to negotiate a long-term Marina contract with the State of Colorado.

Learn more:

1 N Marina Rd.
Pueblo West, CO. 81007

Open 7 days a week except Thanksgiving and Christmas
Winter (October-April), 8 AM-4:30 PM
Summer (May-September)
Mon-Thurs, 8AM-6PM
Fri-Sun, 7AM-9PM

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